Monday, 5 May 2014

DIY Reed Diffuser

For those who don't know a couple years ago I quit smoking.  After I quit I became very aware of all the different smells around (some good, some bad).  Since then I have developed a slight paranoia that my home doesn't smell as nice as I think it does. 
So when I stumbled across a DIY reed diffuser I was excited to try it.  The original instructions can be found here

First I gathered all my supplies:
Vodka, honey, essential oil, vanilla extract, wooden skewers and a cute jar.
I looked around for vanilla essential oil but the only ones that I could find were $24 each.  No thank you, I can think of a bunch of better things to spend $24 on (including a really cute box at Walmart that I am hoping to get next week).
I followed the instructions, mixed everything up and set it out.
I used grapefruit essential oil, and vanilla extract
The first day it smelt really strong but after that I haven't noticed the smell as much.  I did have a thought afterwards that instead of using my essential oil I can use the oil I have for my candle diffuser.  So I am excited to try that next time. 
I ended up adding A LOT of essential oil (about 20 drops) and a couple dashes of vanilla.  My jar isn't very big (holds 1 cp total). 

 Update: I did not find that this was very smelly the next day.  I find the store bought ones smell better for longer.  However that being said I was going to try using the oil you put in a heated diffuser next time.  Hopefully that will have a better smell 

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