Friday 11 April 2014

DIY Gold Accent Vase

I have been stalking checking out other blogs and websites and I have seen a few different accented vases.  I have loved them but been a bit afraid to give them a go myself.

The other day I decided to put on some big girl pants and give it a whirl. 

I had a left over gold oil paint sharpie from a previous craft night, and a vase that I had been eyeing for my maiden voyage. 
I looked up a couple reference pictures on the internet and just got to work.  I picked a small area and started making dots.  I did find that instead I should make little circles.
It took a bit (about 1.5 hours) but I did stop a couple of times. 

In the end I LOVE LOVE LOVE my new vase and I think it looks more modern than the old one.  This was a great/easy update using things I already had on hand.  Next time I think I will have to put on my big girl pants and try more crafting.
I might actually go back and make the fade a bit higher so you can really see it when there are flowers and rocks in there

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